I am Me

Are you your father’s daughter?
Are you your mother’s son?
Are you the oldest in the house?
Are you the little one?

Does Grandma call you “baby doll?”
Does Uncle call you “bud?”
Do you like to keep your boots real clean
or splash around in mud?

Are you a funny giggle box?
Do you like telling jokes?
Are you a star out on the stage
entertaining all the folks?

Or would you rather just be quiet,
spend free time reading books?
Will you try almost anything
your mom or daddy cooks?

Are you tall or very small
or somewhere in between?
Do your eyes look black as night
or maybe, are they green?

Do you rise up with the sun,
or stay up with the moon?
Are you a calm and patient soul,
Or does nothing come too soon?

When someone asks you who you are
or who you want to be,
Don’t be afraid to smile and say,
“I’m happy to be me!”

3 thoughts on “I am Me

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  1. You defineitly who you are, and I would not have you any other way. Keep up the great writing. Your messages are sure to reach many who need and enjoy your insight.


  2. I’m happy to be me!! I’m happy to be me because I have your dad! I’m extra happy to be me because I have you! I’m happy to be me because we have Ryan! I’m
    happy to be me because you both have our beautiful grand-daughters!


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